Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Something Sweet

When one is back in the valley, surrounded by mountains that have recently seen a spurt of the worst possible devastation, one must search for reasons to rejoice, to keep the faith and to live through one more day -- and one such reason is the tremendous effort the locals have put in to assist those in need. Another reason is simply that one is ALIVE. And finally, my most favorite reason is that being back in the valley implies access to an oven, and thus a chance to rustle up something in the baking department.

So, in order to celebrate those that survived and to pay a tribute to those who departed, even as we move on, let us do something sweet...

Let us prepare a baked version of the childhood bread pudding! Recipe below:


Bread slices - 8 slices (brown/ white/ multigrain -- leave the choice to you, dear reader!)
Milk - 300 mls
Sweetened Condensed Milk - 200 gms 
Eggs - 2, at room temperature
Cinnamon - A pinch
Butter - Enough to smear both sides of you bread slices with
  • Pre set the oven at 160 degrees celsius. In the mean time, trim the edges of your bread slices and butter them lavishly on both sides. Line these up in layers in your baking dish (Note: The original recipe asks for raisins to be sprinkled between layers, but my aversion to the same was reason enough to completely omit them from my version of the dessert. Please feel free to add these and/ or any other dry fruit that pleases your taste buds)
  • In another bowl break the eggs and beat them lightly, adding the sweetened condensed milk, milk and cinnamon (Note: The original recipe asks for nutmeg but I personally LOVE cinnamon and thus the twist)
  • Now pour this gorgeous sunrise colored mixture over your layered, buttered bread slices, drowning them completely
  • Bake for about 20-25 minutes in a moderately hot oven (160 to 170 degrees celsius) till the mixture has ensconced the bread and risen over the same as a beautiful golden brown crown. Ah! And the lovely scent... Sigh!
  • Serve hot (as I did) or eat cold (as I did). It works both ways, trust me!
Look how deliciously well it turns out. And how quickly too!
Why I simply loved this particular dish was for two major reasons:
a) How quickly I was able to forage from the kitchen back at home and put something together that was absolutely delish, and
b) It was completely reminiscent of my childhood breakfasts when Mom used to make me fresh "meethi" bread. This was simply a sophisticated version of the same that all the Aunties will love over a cup of chai, coffee, or even just chit-chat in the rain... Lovely! :D

So go, don't just sit and read. Cook in the next thirty, and DIG IN!!!